New Publication from EMA partners at La Rochelle University

Microalgae and cyanobacteria represent a diverse renewable resource with significant potential for the industrial production of high value-added goods and services. However, scientific, technical/technological, legislative and market gaps and barriers still limit the growth of these markets in Europe and the number of species exploited.

The EnhanceMicroAlgae partners at the University of La Rochelle (University of La Rochelle/CNRS UMR 7266 LIENSs), in charge of Workpackage 4 “Gaps and technical barriers identification”, conducted an in-depth survey of European microalgae researchers, experts and stakeholders and a Delphi analysis in order to identify these limitations and to discuss strategies, recommendations and guidelines to overcome these obstacles.

In their new paper published in Marine Drugs in June 2021, they present the results of this study which detail the main promising markets for microalgae and cyanobacteria in the coming decades. The work presents an updated SWOT analysis of the sector, current opportunities, limitations, risks and threats for microalgae research and market sectors in Europe, a traffic light analysis for a quick assessment of market opportunities for each microalgae sector and detailed recommendations/guidelines to overcome scientific, technical/technological, legislative and market gaps and barriers.

To read more about this work published in Marine Drugs, click the link:

Rumin, J.; Gonçalves de Oliveira Junior, R.; Bérard, J.-B.; Picot, L. Improving Microalgae Research and Marketing in the European Atlantic Area: Analysis of the main gaps and barriers limiting the development of the sector. Mar. Drugs 2021, 19, 319.